API Specification

API function

Scan2Pay API includes:





Obtain a URL to generate a QR code for consumer to scan


Consumer display the QR code on their mobile device for merchant to scan


Credit card authorization transaction


Payment refund


Query single transaction by order number


Query multiple transactions by date range


New query multiple transactions by date range

Merchant-presented QR codes

Payee calls the Merchant-presented QR codes API to obtain a URL and display it as a QR code that allow consumer to scan by their mobile devices.

After the consumer scanned the QR code, a payment selection page will show. Consumer can select the payment method they prefer and proceed the payment in the payment app.

Payee calls the Query single transaction API or provide a Payment Notification API to obtain the payment result, to complete the transaction.

Merchant-presented QR codes is not available for come payment methods

Merchant-Presented QR Code

Consumer-presented QR codes

Payee scans the payment QR code that consumer presented on their mobile device and calls the Consumer-presented QR codes API to complete the transaction.

Consumer-presented QR codes is not available for some payment methods

Customer-Presented QR Code

Credit card payment

Payee obtains the consumer’s credit card information and calls Credit card authorization API to process the transaction.

To test the Credit card payment, please contact intella for the testing credit card number

Credit Card Payment

EasyCard manipulation

Payee calls the EasyCard manipulation API to operate the reader to process the payment and refund etc.

EasyCard Manipulation API to be matched with the reader provided by intella. The reader connects internet and intella server via WiFi.

EasyCard Manipulation


The completed payment can be refunded through the Refund API.

The actual time of refund depends on each payment provider.


Single transaction query

To query a single transaction result or order status by calling Single order query API.

Single Transaction Query

Multiple transactions query

To query transactions or orders during a certain period.

The period of transaction query is specified in days.

Multiple Transactions Query

Last updated

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